If I intend to accomplish anything this summer, I need to make it into a list:
- Complete all of my work items and commitments and perform beyond expectations
- Interact with other teams at Microsoft to see where I might be interested in working should I return (and get a return offer)–Windows Mobile, XBox (the Entertainment division in general), Internet Explorer (just because I want to make it better), and even Microsoft Shuttle Service (their assignment algorithm sucks) are on my list so far
- Complete my Facebook application (40%)
- Complete/pass all of the Facebook puzzles (5%)
- Read through the 1000 page corporate finance textbook (10%)
- If you click here, the world will explode. (99%)
- Swim at least twice a week (100% so far)
- Get my bike fixed. (100%)
- At the end of the summer, update my resume
Things I will work on in the summer:
- Sharpen (ahem) my C sharp skills: Build some useful windows form applications
- Learn ASP.NET – should not be too difficult given #1
- Learn to cook more things, cook them better and more efficiently
- Read at least half of the books I’ve received in my first three weeks. That would be two of four
- Renovate originxt.com
- Reclaim all of my 2008 losses from the stock market (Ha, yeah right)
Hopefully I achieve all of the first list, and do a fair share of what I can from the second list.